
2015/10/30 重要公告!



在 會員加入本平台時,均已同意本平台之服務條款,主要內容例如:會員得以免費方式加入,透過互聯網來執行如點擊廣告、觀賞視頻、填寫問卷或聯盟行銷.... 等方式兌換廣告主所提供或贊助之商品,本平台並未要求會員一定要贊助升級成為VIP會員才能夠享受平台的各項服務。在目前正夯的「共享經濟」及「眾籌」等 新興商業模式方興未艾之時,難免在多數國家或地區會有立法落後的狀況,但並不代表這樣的商業模式一定違法。



因 此,律師建議修改獎勵發放的標準,亦即若有不同意成為共同創辦人及股東身份之會員,未來將僅得獲取每日工作及業務推廣的業務收入,而不得再獲得任何其他獎 勵(包含但不限於全球分紅及季分紅)。換句話說,如果您贊助升級成為VIP會員但不同意成為股東,則在制度上您只能單純獲取透過互聯網來執行點擊廣告、觀 賞視頻、填寫問卷或聯盟行銷等方式的工作獎勵,而不能獲取其他獎勵;相反的,如果您同意成為共同創辦人及股東,則您可以合理且合法另外獲得符合公司章程規 定的分紅。在制度經過如此修改後,本平台將可以避免違反各國多層次傳銷法規之規定。

此外,亦有會員提出本平台及會員 是否有可能違反各國的洗錢防制法規,據我們所委任之法律顧問表示,本平台之M幣交換純粹只是會員間針對工作之獎勵進行交換,本平台每日所發放的貢獻值並無 法讓會員直接兌換成現金,且本平台目前亦無對任何人販售任何M幣來收取現金或其他對價;再者,本平台本身亦未以其他任何方式介入M幣的次級交易市場(即安 全交易中心掛單買賣交易),會員們也在贊助本平台時同意,本平台並不保證或承諾會固定給予一定金額的利息,故我們初判應無違犯銀行法等金融法規之虞。不過 律師也提醒,安全交易中心得使會員於不同地區以不同幣值進行M幣之交易,故不無可能遭不肖人士作為洗錢或進行跨境匯兌之工具,敬請會員們於兌換M幣時特別 留意。(這部分本平台有不得提供跨境匯兌的防火牆);此外,M幣之性質亦非洗錢防制法規所規範的重大犯罪所得,因此亦應無違反洗錢防制法之虞。

如 同前述,新創商業模式之概念往往太先進,本來就有法令跟不上時代的窘境,為了本平台永續經營的決心,避免本平台違反目前擁有較多會員國家或地區之相關金融 法規、公平交易法或多層次傳銷法規,本平台將正式於股東事務會提案,徵求股東代表附議後,再將議題交給所有的共同創辦人來投票表決,以通過至今如尚未正式 簽署同意成為共同創辦人(股東)的VIP會員,本平台將停止對其發放獎勵(包含但不限於全球分紅及季分紅);或是請這些不同意簽署成為共同創辦人的會員退 出本平台,由本平台提供退出補償(須扣除已領取的貢獻值獎勵)。





Since the inauguration of this platform, we have been receiving numerous enquiries from various national firms on the legality of our platform. Similar enquiries have also been raised by our members regarding whether or not we are a kind of MLM and our legal status.

We would like to reiterate that every bonus and revenue offered to our members are generated through members' daily access of around 30 minutes to our adverts, and not all are contributed by members' sponsorship.

At the moment when members join our platform, members have already agreed with our terms and conditions, for instance, members incomes are generated by accessing adverts while mbership fee is free, and redemption of goods are solely relying on such. Our platform also requires our member to reach a particular status to enjoy our extra services.

Our platform's legal advisory committee has further sought legal advice on rules and legislation on fair trades and MLM so our rules and regulations could be revised accordingly.

After our professional analysis, our initial proposal is that, as long as members agree to be our shareholders and cofounders, this will not form any MLM system, and your reward will not violate any rules of such. Our legal advice has also suggested that if members do not agree to be our co-founders/shareholders, then their reward will only count on their works and global advertising but no further rewards. And such, if you are only a VIP member, then you can only earn rewards based on accesses to adverts etc., but if you agree to be our shareholders/co-founders, then you can enjoy extra dividend and our platform will not violate any law of such.

Also, some other members have also suggested to us whether or not our platform will violate any legislation on money laundering. Our lawyer has suggested to us that M-coin is only for exchange among members as rewards for works, and this platform does not have any cash value, and no other people except members can use M-coins to redeem goods/gifts. Members agree that interest is not guaranteed so no legislation on finance has been violated. But our lawyer has also suggested that as members may redeem M-coins in different countries, so there may still be a possibility for money laundering. Such members please kindly pay attention to such. Also, M-coins are not something earned from major criminal offenses so no such legislation is violated.

As previously mentioned, start-up companies are always disruptive that legislation may not follow. To ensure sustainability of operation of our platform, our platform will submit official proposal on this matter and seek for members' elections and approval: Our platform will no longer offer rewards for members who do not agree to be our shareholder, if you decide to leave, our platform will offer compensation after deducing awards by contribution values.

We still believe that system shall be successful in achieving our targets, and we express our gratitude to members who have contributed much.



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