2.成立新創組織(註1)運營基金:自第50,001個VIP會員開始,每新增一個VIP會員,本平台將自動提撥20M幣做為新創組職運營基金,用於未來 實體新創組織的股本或資本;當此基金累積達100萬M幣(即總VIP會員人數達10萬人次)時,將由股東事務會選出擔任新創組織的代表人及董事、經理人 等,實際推動新創組織之各項事務;
5.籌設華人競標網站:預期在在2015年12月底前完成測試及運作。該競標網站之競標方式與傳統競標模式不同,其所採用的競標方式對於贊助廠商及參與競 標活動的每一個人都更加公平,並將且結合網路購物平台功能,讓該競標網站更多元化,也能讓會員的每日工作貢獻值獎勵除了能兌換M幣之外,也將能兌換各項由 廠商所贊助的商品。基於本平台現有的眾多會員之支持,該競標網站將可以在網路上造成廣大網友及廠商的迴響,勢必將能大幅提升本平台的知名度及盈收;
(註1) 新創組織之型態,目前仍在與嫻熟公司法及證券交易法之律師討論中,若「公司」組織之型態可能違反證券交易法,則將依照律師建議改採其他型態之組織,合先說明。
Dear Members,
The time of Quarterly bonus offering has come again, now may we express our congratulations to our members.
In accordance to our latest statistics, until September 2015 our number of co-founders have reached 50,000 (including sub-accounts), and this is three month earlier than our expectation. May we express our gratitude to all the co-founders supports and appreciations to our platform.
From now on we are going to move onto another stage, and may we report our proposal for the platform's next-stage operation:
1. Establishment of shareholders club: Representatives of shareholders and co-founders will be able to operate the platform together, in the future all operation of this platform will rely on co-decisions made by representatives of shareholders and co-founders so we will be more democratic and effective.
2. Establishment of operation fund for the new organisation* - Since our 50,001th member and onwards, each and every new member joining in our platform will have 20 M-coins automatically collected to the fund serving as the capital for our new organisation. Once 1 million M-coins have been reached (which means that the number of VIP members attain 100,000), representatives, directors and managers for the new organisation will be elected so to facilitate operation of the newly established organisation.
3. Since November 2015 onwards, VIP members will be allowed to make use of their contribution values to redeem share holders, details will be covered in upcoming announcements.
4. Number of start-up sites is expected to reach 120. The Board of Shareholders will decide which site will be the best and further investment will be made.
5. Establishment of Chinese bidding site: It is expected that the site will start operation before end of December 2015. The site's bidding mechanism will be different so to ensure that sponsoring corporations and bidders will be doing trades in a fairer environment. It also fuses with function of online shopping platform so the site will be more diversified. Contribution values can be redeemed as M-coins or sponsored goods. As this platform has the supports from many members, such bidding site will probably be famous on internet bringing greater income to the platform.
6. Improved M-coing firewall and safety mechanism: Currently this platform has implemented a lot of measure to improve safety of transaction of M-coins to avoid any conflicts or lost.
* The type of the new organisation will be decided according to our lawyers' suggestions if it may breach Securities and Exchange Act establishing a new organisation in the type of Company.